29604865Many thanks to Kathy for providing me a copy of Giovanni Goes to Med School. I have to be honest, the reason I said I’ll have a go at this was the fact it’s only 70 pages. I don’t like zombies that much.. I don’t mind vampires, but zombies just seem boring somehow. They’re slow, draggy and, you know, generally gross… A zombie would need to have a shit-ton of charm and walk faster to win me over…

Everyone knows zombies aren’t real, no matter how fun. You don’t have to be a med student to know the dead do not get up and walk around in real life. Anyone who’s buried a pet in the backyard knows the dead don’t walk. They don’t even lurch.

So Giovanni is stunned when his patient sits up in the morgue and starts scolding. The night-shift was supposed be a relief, a chance to study in quiet and off-set ridiculous student loans. Babysitting a huge dog and a dead voodoo mambo were not part of the plan. Now he’s got to convince an unbelieving medical community to take action, so he can get back to learning about the dead – not the undead!

… and win me over that zombie-surprise did. I truly was surprised at who ended up being the zombie… Maybe the other readers saw it coming a mile away but I didn’t expect it and it was a lovely surprise… Lovely? Well, yeah… it was different, for sure!

So, what can I say about this little book?

I know… it’s been grating on my brain for the past while…It’ about the cover.. it’s clinical! Get it? Like the story itself!

So, Giovanni gets stuck with Rufus the XXL sized dog and takes a position at the morgue. Not sure why the dog was necessary in the story overall, but then again, I’m not complaining, Who doesn’t like dogs?!

I thought the other, main morgue guy was creepier than the whole story, even though he doesn’t appear that often in the story.

There was a bit of ‘who exactly knows how much?’… Doctors, the janitor, the morgue guy, the nurse…

And then the culmination which made me think- oh hell no, I think there’s some crazy people around here!

If you’re into zombies and are looking for a quick fix on zombified grossness and detailed descriptions on how a body breaks apart after dying- there you go! 😀 Make sure you’re not eating while reading this and try not to read it before bed either, eh?! Just a suggestion 🙂

My rating: 3 *** – I liked it, it was different and had a zombie that I kind of liked. While I don’t mind brains on walls and other ‘sticky’ things, this one was just a tad too point on leaving me a bit nauseated at times!

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