34374568Words, thoughts and manic rantings under the influence of strong drink and fine smoky treats.

Yes, you just witnessed a baby-blurb! That opening statement, however, sure does explain this collection of 11 short stories.

The Havoc Tree is not officially published… yet… so you won’t find it on Amazon. You are welcome to approach Layden Robinson on Twitter or take a look at his Goodreads author page where you can find his other published titles.

In the past, I have read and reviewed the following by Layden Robinson:

Robinson has this certain type of madness in his writing that is the right level of creepy, cool, wow and yuk. All at the same time. How could I not enjoy something that is so totally different? Sure, many would not agree with me. So, The Havoc Tree for example- some of these stories have stuff in there that could easily irritate a reader of certain beliefs. Not me. In this world that takes offense at everything, I take this collection of short stories for what it is: a work of fiction. The Havoc Tree is an example of WUI (writing under influence) that gives the reader a chance to experience the madness without the hangover the next morning.

I am going to be honest here, for the straight-walking literature experts, it appears as if the stories are in need of some editing. The scenes and happenings jump from moment to moment and the use of caps in places could drive a reader to bite their nails… BUT… as I’ve read a few of Robinson’s collections, it seems to be his signature… and if you’re willing to take the overall feeling of each story, the overall feeling of the collection: be prepared to be mindblown six ways to sunday! Personally, there was 2-3 stories that, even though with some brilliant one-liners peppered within them, went right over my head and I hadn’t the slightest inkling as to what the hell was happening. Maybe I am not ‘corrupted’ enough to understand, to feel the relevance. But even in those tales that I am still looking the deeper meaning from, the atmosphere of horror and creepiness was present. That gritty, uncomfortable delivery.

Yes, the tales are, in parts, overly wordy with their descriptions but no matter how slurred, Robinson delivers something dark and twisted with the occasional gem of a quote to be taken away. Bordering in between real and unreal, Robinson has a theme with monsters, mannequins and pure carnal desire. The Havoc Tree is full of theatric shenanigans- blood, guts, gore and the human’s most burning desires.

Erotic? At times… But Tatter Jack (another author) posed a very good question that will never leave my mind: ‘What is erotica? One guy’s Mary is another guy’s Jane’… so.. where do you draw the line in between what is erotic and what is taboo? What is normal and what isn’t? It’s all individual… and personal, so don’t tell me.

Anyway, Robinson doesn’t really write hot steamy erotica. I don’t know, Marys and Janes, right?… But if you look closely enough, you can see there’s some underlying meaning to the seediness. There’s an issue, a condition- the inspiration behind it all, and it’s executed as the most lucid dream. Dream? Nightmare? You decide…  One way or another, I would not recommend for the faint of heart nor for those who look for pure and innocent. Robinson delivers down and dirty!

Here’s the list of stories:

  • A Final Moment
  • I’m Coming; (Continued)
  • The “Place”: [Liz: this one made me laugh out loud. Brilliant!]
  • The Suit: [Liz: the most ‘sexually powered of the stories’. A bit too much for me, but… I’m sure there’s some kind of a point in there… anyway… ]
  • The Story of Willis
  • The End
  • Mr. Sacorp
  • A Moment with an Unmarried Man [Liz: one page story- impactful and brilliant. Bravo!]
  • An Assassination of a Caring Man
  • Fate