Greetings! Today I bring you a spotlight post for a fantasy title ‘Light Dawning‘ by Ty Arthur. ‘Light Dawning‘ was published May 26th, 2017 and you can find a guest posts by Ty where he talks about fantasy and the creation story behind ‘Light Dawning‘ over at The Tattooed Book Geek Drew’s blog!

Here’s what you can expect from this spotlight post:

*** Book info *** Character profile graphics *** Links

34953386Once known as the City on the Hill and revered far and wide for its independence and boundless opportunity, Cestia has become home only to the damned. Surviving under the brutal occupation of a southern empire for three long years, the oppressed populace has lost hope of liberation, turning instead towards an increasingly desperate rebellion willing to commit any atrocity for a chance at freedom.

As total war approaches, four lost souls trapped behind Cestia’s walls are on a collision course with fate, destined to either save the city or see it utterly destroyed while calling on forces beyond mankind’s comprehension. For good or ill, the light of a new day is about to dawn.


Brushstroke Picture Frame:

Father Erret

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Now… these are some mighty graphics and give a great taste to what one can expect from the book. I know, personally, I’m having trouble deciding which of these characters is the greatest because all four highlighted here sound pretty damn hardcore!

Luckily for me, Ty Arthur was kind enough to provide me with a review copy so I shall be reading this title in the near future and be able to share my thoughts with you.

If you’re already sold on the book, then here are some links where you can co scavenge more info and the book itself!

About the author:

12585427Ty Arthur gets to meld his passions with his work while freelancing for the likes of and GameSkinny.
His debut sci-fi / horror novella “Empty” was released in early 2016, with many more dark tales still to come. Arthur writes to exorcise his demons and resides in the cold, dark north with his amazing wife Megan and infant son Gannicus Picard.
Book links:
Light Dawning on Goodreads | Amazon UK | USA