Hi All!

I came across this interesting Book List by Jeanette and I had to steal these questions and have a go! Feel free to do the same- looks like a great way to spend a few hours! 🙂

Author you’ve read the most books from

Hmm! Already I am having difficulty to figure this one out. If I count out the silly teenagey YA swoony series then I think E.M Remarque would be my most read author. You know, an author who I wouldn’t be ashamed to name as one of my favourites. For some reason reading certain books by certain authors is frowned upon. So what, if I read Vampire Diaries??… I think I would be way more willing to say that out openly than being a “sucker” for “50 Shades…” trilogy… Gawd! I wouldn’t want to come across as a randy leprechaun all the time, but there you go. We judge each other… I am as guilty of blaming you to being a horny housewife (while reality is that you’re possibly most admired sex kitten) as you are of blaming me of being a 27 year old with an interest in Young Adult books… PS! as for vampire books, I would really suggest Darren Shan’s “The Saga of Darren Shan”- 12 books in the series and totally what you would not expect- in fact the first book in the series “Cirque du Freak” was turned to a movie in 2009, and while I kind of enjoyed it didn’t kick off greatly… which is sad, cause the saga does get really good!

Best sequel ever

I think the following Millenium trilogy books after “The Girl with a Dragon tattoo” were great. I have read criticism about the last two books, but you know, you can’t make everyone happy and some people just love to moan about bloody everything! The Best though? picking out only one has always been a problem for me. There are so many greats out there.

Currently reading

Well, as you can see from my Goodreads widget on the right hand side I am struggling with a couple of books at the same time. I don’t know where I developed this silly habit or reading more than one book at a time. It used to annoy me. So, “Catch 22” is.. different… I find bits of it funny and bits off it annoying, but I will plough on in the hopes of it giving me some sort of mental satisfaction once I am done.

“Tode ja Oigus” by an Estonian author which is actually translated into English and it’s the English version I am reading. If you would be interested in a book which has been named as one of Northern Europe’s classics then you can download it for free

“The Biology of Belief” is something I started reading when I was unemployed and thought if I read something in the lines of “almost-magic”, then I could will myself a vacant position. I only read a few pages and then I got a job. Ha-ha! No actually, it is interesting and sometimes when feeling down and out it’s a complicated read to take my mind off things.

“The Good Soldier Svejk”- I started reading this because I remember as a child watching my Father read this book and laugh his ass off with tears bursting out of his eyes. I am half way through and I don’t find it half as funny. In fact, last time I had a chat with Father I told him I didn’t find it funny and was disappointed that we didn’t have the same sense of humor. I’ll finish it though…Some day.

Drink of choice while reading

Easy! It’s either nice sugary strong black coffee or beer. Never the two together, mind you.

E-book or physical book

Huge fan of physical books. Pretty much every shelf I have is filled with books. I even moved His PS3 games out of sight so I could display more books. Poor lad, I am taking over even his personal gaming space! Well, I see it as a repayment for cooking, cleaning and ironing. We gotta compromise, baby! Then again, I enjoy the newfound simplicity of  Kindle app on my phone. Whenever I am outside of home, stuck waiting after someone I can read. Awesome.

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated in High School

Eh-eh-eh! This is rather embarrassing?!! For some reason I started thinking of book characters who would actually describe the.. ahem.. high school interest(s)… Man, that already sounds bad! I’ll better leave it!

Glad You Gave This Book A Chance

“The Curious Incident of the Dog in  the Night-time” by Mark Haddon. This book is written through the eyes of an autistic/Asperger syndrome 15 year old. I mean, it doesn’t get better than that trying to explain what it would be like for an autistic person.

Hidden Gem book

Oh Darn it! I don’t know about this one.. I mean.. that’s why it’s hidden right? If I knew the answer to this one it wouldn’t be hidden anymore… I remember reading a seriously good book years ago about female snipers in the Second World War. Now, I don’t know what was it with me in my teenage years and my thirst for war books… But that was so amazingly good and for the life of me I can not find the book on line because I just can’t remember the author… Maybe one day…

Important Moment in your reading life

Reading Nabokov’s “Lolita” … I always pushed myself through the books even when I didn’t like them, but since Lolita I just didn’t give a damn anymore. If I can’t stand a book I quit reading it, no shame in it. “Lolita” was the first book I didn’t finish. What a pile of annoying crap… I know some people see something wonderful in it, but I just got seriously terrified every time I tried getting a page ahead… This was important because I accepted the fact that I really don’t have to finish each book I start, even though my slight OCD finds it slightly annoying… Again- gotta compromise: be happy not reading it while being sad for not finishing it. But if I kept going I would have been sad for reading it and made my OCD happy… You wins some, you lose some!

Just finished

“Family Magic” by Patti Larsen. It was a nice easy read about witches. Kind of “Meh” about it.

Kinds of books you won’t read

I don’t think I will ever read Harry Potter. Some people despise Twilight… well, This is Harry Potter for me. I understand, before you go off and condemn me for being a superfreak and not valuing the great artwork that is HP, that indeed- it is a masterpiece. But you know, I just don’t care what happens in those books.

I remember trying to read Terry Pratchett’s books years back and I just didn’t get them. I think I am willing to give these a go now again…

Longest book you’ve read

Ahh, that’s a tricky question. Some books can be 500 pages  with a larger print, while other 300 pages with tiny print and still be longer… if you know what I mean? Also- some content can make a book feel long, even though it is just 150 pages… I refuse to answer this! 😀

Major book hangover because of

Ah, easy! Remarque’s books always made me bawl my eyes out. And they always made me a little sad a long time after I had finished them…

Number of bookcases you own

My whole house is pretty much a bookshelf. Does the end of the sofa count as a bookcase? Does the bedside table count as a bookcase? Does the kitchen table count as a bookcase?

One book you’ve read multiple times

Uhm, I don’t normally read one books twice or more. I just don’t … Because I already know what happens, so .. why read it again, when I can just think about it and remember?

Preferred places to read

Bed. Couch.

Quote that Inspires You/Gives You All The Feels From a Book You’ve Read

“I think maybe we die every day. Maybe we’re born new each dawn, a little changed, a little further on our own road. When enough days stand between you and the person you were, you’re strangers. Maybe that’s what growing up is. Maybe I have grown up.”
Mark Lawrence, The Broken Empire Series

The Broken Empire Series has been the recent most though-provoking read for me.

Different times, different quotes…

Reading Regret

I always regret getting hooked on a series… because, you know, once you start there’s no stopping. I wait for the new books to come out for the story to continue and even though I can see it all turning into pointless non-sense, I still keep reading because it’s a series. And then the ending gets so truly bad… because they should have stopped writing the series but they didn’t and they have ruined the whole experience…

Series You Started and Need to Finish (all books are out in series)

“The Fallen” series by Thomas E Sniegoski. I have the first 2 books and I enjoyed them.. fallen angels, the devil, the good fights evil kind of thing, a talking dog.

Three of Your All-Time Favorite Books

Sorry guys, I refuse to give all time favorites… I don’t have favorites… I mean, you wouldn’t love one of your children more than the other, and books are like kids to me! Equality, people!

Unapologetic Fangirl for

Creepy violent books that make my imagination come alive and hairs on my back stand (For example Broken Empire, Tom Rob Smiths “Child 44”, “Agent 6” and “The Secret Speech”)… Mixed up with an occasional Twilight experience!  Bwahaha!

Worst Bookish habits

Starting a number of books at the same time…

X Marks the Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book

“Trainspotting” by Irvine Welsh

I remember reading this book and I was so excited because, you know, it’s written in this “lowlands Scottish” accent. It was difficult at first but when I got into it, my reading voice in my head was so wickedly funny.. I bet most of you know I love myself a good Scottish accent. Here’s an example of a sentence from the book:

“Ah wanted the radge tae jist fuck off ootay ma visage, tae go oan his ain, n jist leave us.”

I love it!

There’s this great Scottish comedian Kevin Bridges- he is fantastic!!!

Listen to him!

Your latest Book purchase

Last physical book I purchased was the 13th book of Vampire Diaries..Big mistake… This series needs to end. Like 7 books ago!

Latest e-book was “The Last Bride of Ballymuir” by Dorien Kelly. Lovely little story it was and scenery in the book was based around the area I live in Ireland, so it gave a bit extra to the visionary aspect while reading…

Zzz-Snatcher Book (last book that kept you up WAY late)

I am too old for this now. Even if I try to read deep into the night I always lose the fight by conking out- book/phone on my face, light shining above me and drool running down my face for a lovely wet pillow for the night. Disgraceful… cute…  depends!